MobiMed är ett system som är modulärt och består av patientmonitorering, elektroniska journaler och fristående defibrillatorer

Learn more about us

Ortivus is a market-leading player in E-health
with over 30 years of experience in cardiology and medical technology.

We are passionate about defibrillators
that saves lives

With over 30 years of experience in cardiology and medical technology, Ortivus is one of the market-leading players in e-health. We are still a small organization where the decision-making paths are short and where each individual employee has great importance. Our employees are all talents who are passionate about developing the most advanced healthcare and helping patients in need. Their broad knowledge and solid commitment create value and success for our customers. We are very proud of our MobiMed system, which, with its flexibility, makes it easier for healthcare personnel in their work. MobiMed Life is the system’s defibrillator designed to save lives wherever you are. It is easy to take with you and provides clear instructions, which makes it suitable for healthcare professionals as well as private individuals and organisations.

At Ortivus, we combine expertise in medical technology, clinical expertise, wireless communication and IT to deliver practical solutions to customers worldwide. We constantly work closely with healthcare professionals to develop products that reflect progressive patient care and meet their needs. We encourage and promote patient-centered product development and together we save lives and increase people’s quality of life. The pride in this creates commitment for everyone within the organization and together we make a real difference in people’s lives.

The Reanibex 100 shown in the picture is placed in front of a fire engine. The emergency services are often the first on the scene in emergency situations and then they need a defibrillator

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Hjärtstartare i Västervik vid en brygga för att snabbt kunna ge assistant och öka möjligheterna till överlevnad vid en akut situation

Read more about Defibrillator R100

Information about our defibrillator

På bilden ser vi MobiMed användas av ambulanspersonal under ett akutfall.

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